Friday, December 11, 2015

The names of days

1. Nama hari dalam bahasa inggris :
DAYS IN A WEEK (Nama – nama hari dalam seminggu)

2. Days of the week
There are seven days in a week. There are 52 weeks in a year.
a.                   Sunday is the first day of the week.
The first day of the week is Sunday.
Sunday comes after Saturday . Su M T W Th F Sa
It comes before Monday . Su M T W Th F Sa
Sunday is a weekend day.
b.                  Monday is the second day of the week on the calendar.
Monday is also known as the first day of the work week.
Monday comes after Sunday. Su M T W Th F Sa
It comes before Tuesday. Su M T W Th F Sa
(Everyone hates Monday because it's the first day back to work after the weekend!)
c.                   Tuesday is the third day of the week.
The third day of the week is Tuesday. It's the second day of the work week.
Tuesday comes after Monday. Su M T W Th F Sa
It comes before Wednesday. Su M T W Th F Sa
Wednesday is the fourth day of the week.
The fourth day of the week is Wednesday. It's the third day of the work week.
d.         Wednesday comes after Tuesday. Su M T W Th F Sa
It comes before Thursday. Su M T W Th F Sa
Wednesday is the middle of the week.
e.         Thursday is the fifth day of the week.
The fifth day of the week is Thursday. It's the fourth day of the work week.
Thursday comes after Wednesday. Su M T W Th F Sa
It comes before Friday. Su M T W Th F Sa
f.          Friday is the sixth day of the week.
The sixth day of the week is Friday. It's the fifth and last day of the work week.
Friday comes after Thursday. Su M T W Th F Sa
It comes before Saturday. Su M T W Th F Sa
(Everyone loves Friday because it's the last day of the week. In the afternoon, the weekend begins. T.G.I.F. = Thank God it's Friday!)
g.         Saturday is the seventh day of the week.
The seventh day of the week is Saturday.
Saturday comes after Friday. Su M T W Th F Sa
It comes before Sunday. Su M T W Th F Sa

h.         Saturday and Sunday are the weekend.
Su M T W Th F Sa
When talking about the weekend, you can use:
- on the weekend
- during the weekend
- this weekend (present and future):
What are you going to do this weekend?
- last weekend (past)
What did you do last weekend?
- next weekend (future - comes after "this weekend")
What are you going to do next weekend?
(Saturday and Sunday, March 4 and 5 are this weekend; Saturday and Sunday, March 11 and 12 are next weekend.)

3. Ungkapan yang berkaitan dengan hari :
a.    Sehari (Each day/ a day)
b.    Tiga kali sehari (Three times a day)
c.    Apa pekerjaanmu sehari – hari? (What is you daily work?)
d.    Pakaian sehari – hari (Everyday clothes)
e.    Seharian (The entire day/All day)
f.    Berhari – hari (day after day/for several days)
g.    Catatan sehari – hari (Daily record)
h.    Koran harian (Daily newspaper)
i.     Tempo dulu (The good old day)
j.     Pada zaman saya (In my day)
k.    Besok lusa ( The day after tomorrow)
l.     Masa/zaman sekarang (These days)
m.   Hari demi hari (Day by day)
n.    Hari sebelumnya (The day before)
o.    Pada zaman dulu (In days of old)
p.    Hidup makmur (To see better days)
q.    Buru harian (Day laborer)
r.    Siang hari (Day light)
s.    Dini hari (Day break)

4. Ketentuan penulisan nama hari dalam Bahasa Inggris
a.   Dalam penulisan nama hari, Huruf pertama  ditulis dengan huruf besar (Capital Letter).
      Contoh :    I love Monday

b.   Penulisan dan pengucapan nama hari selalu menggunakan preposition (kata depan) "ON".
            Contoh :    I don’t go to school on Sunday.
          My Friends like to go swimming on Saturday.

c.   Hari sabtu dan minggu disebut " the weekend / akhir pekan" sedangkan untuk nama hari lainnya     disebut weekdays.

d.   Nama hari penting atau hari khusus sepanjang tahun mempunyai nama atau pengucapan khusus, seperti : Valentine' day ( hari valentine ), New year's day ( tahun baru ).

5. Contoh penggunaan nama hari dalam kalimat
Today is Monday ( hari ini adalah hari senin )
Yesterday was Sunday ( Kemarin hari minggu )
Tomorrow will be Tuesday ( Besok hari selasa )
The first day of the week is monday ( hari pertama dalam seminggu adalah hari senin ).
We usually comes here on Sunday. ( Kami biasanya datang kemari pada hari senin ).

Dikutip dari

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